Custom Meal Plans That Fit Your Life, Your Likes, and Your Goals



Do you find yourself constantly questioning your meal choices?

Whether it's wondering if a food fits your diet, if it's the right amount for your goals, or even if you're going to enjoy eating it?

Or maybe you’re so sick of your current meals but can’t find the time to sit down and sift through the 138953 screenshots that you’ve saved with the best of intentions.

Are you overwhelmed by having to figure out what to eat every day?

What if there was an easy way to ensure you meet your nutrition goals, with zero guesswork involved?

That’s exactly what a custom meal plan can do for you.

My Custom Meal Plans

Each plan is built around you—ensuring that every meal and snack is not only delicious but also perfectly portioned to support your health without the need for constant calorie counting or food tracking. 

My custom meal plans are like having a dietitian in your back pocket, making sure that everything from your breakfast yogurt bowl to your dinner stir-fry is dialed in to match your tastes and meet your goals.

You’ll never have to worry about portion sizes, nutrient balance, or whether you’re on track to hit your health goals because it’s my job to do that.

Whether you're aiming to lose weight, improve your body composition, balance your hormones, navigate the challenges of menopause, manage allergies, lower your cholesterol, or literally any other health goal you can think of—my meal plans are tailored to fit.

Whether you’re single and need recipes that work for 1 person or you’re feeding a family of picky eaters, I consider everything from where you prefer to shop—whether it's Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Publix, or your local farmer's market—to ensure that the ingredients you need are readily available and affordable.

Whether you’re a fan of quick sheet pan meals, enjoy combining pre-made ingredients for a fast fix, or love to experiment with more elaborate dishes, your meal plan will suit your cooking habits and time constraints.

Ready to turn mealtime into a stress-free, enjoyable part of your day?


Sign up today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your food is figured out—perfectly suited for you, and just the way you like it.

My Meal Plans Are...

REALISTIC: Focused on practical, easy-to-make meals. No 20-ingredient Instagram-worthy yogurt bowls here!


STRUCTURED BUT FLEXIBLE: Enough guidance to keep you on track, with room to adapt as life happens.

BASED AROUND YOUR LIFESTYLE: Made to fit your daily routine, whether you’re a 9-to-5'er, a freelancer, or a busy mom.

HEALTHY: With so much conflicting information about what's "healthy," you can rest easy knowing everything I recommend comes with a Registered Dietitian’s seal of approval—no need to sift through endless health fads and trends, wondering if the seed oil in the tortillas you bought might kill you.

THOROUGH: Customized meal plans ensure you're getting a balanced intake of macro and micronutrients without unnecessary restrictions. You know what that means… carbs WILL be included at every meal!

TAILORED TO YOUR PERSONAL PREFERENCES: Hate brussels sprouts? Love tacos? I got you covered. Want to batch cook or prefer making something different every day? You’ll let me know and I’ll plan accordingly!

TIME-SAVING: It’s a lot of work to sift through recipes, read nutrition labels, plan all of your meals and manage your grocery list- let me do the work for you. No more dealing with decision fatigue or the daily question of “what’s for dinner?”

MINDFUL OF YOUR BUDGET AND LOCATION: I take into account where you go food shopping so that when I’m recommending products, I know that they’ll be available in your area. And by having a streamlined shopping list, you’ll only buy what you need, saving you time AND money!

ALLERGY FRIENDLY: Considering all your dietary restrictions, whether you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, or anything in between.

CULTURALLY INCLUSIVE: Respecting your cultural background or religious dietary needs, from kosher to halal to everything else.

SUPPORTIVE OF HEALTH GOALS: Whether you're looking to lose weight, manage diabetes, lower cholesterol, or improve gut health, your plan is set with your goals in mind.

INTEGRATED WITH FITNESS GOALS: I take into account your exercise routine (or lack thereof) to ensure that your meal plan aligns with your activity for optimal performance and recovery.

"So, how does it work?"


Ready to get your meal plan game on point?


I’m so glad you asked!

Purchase a meal plan package of your choice

After your purchase, you’ll receive a comprehensive form to fill out. This form will help me learn all about your dietary preferences (down to what vegetables you do and don’t like), health goals, lifestyle, and any specific needs you have. This is your chance to tell me everything about what you love, what you don't, and what you're hoping to achieve.

Once you complete your meal planning assessment form, I get to work on creating your custom plan that aligns with your nutritional needs, taste preferences, and daily routine. Each plan includes easy-to-follow recipes, a grocery list, and preparation tips to make cooking as straightforward as possible. Your custom plan will be delivered within 3 business days of receiving your Meal Planning Assessment Form.

Along with your custom meal plan, you’ll also receive my “Meal Plan Success Guide” that will help you get the most out of your meal plan. This guide includes tips for eating out, how to handle special occasions, and even mindset tips to help you stay on track.

If you want even more support, you can bundle your meal plan with a 1:1 follow-up session to use within 1 month to go over any adjustments you might need or to discuss any challenges you're facing. This session ensures your meal plan perfectly fits your evolving lifestyle, goals, and preferences.

Fill out the detailed meal planning assessment form


Receive your custom plan and additional resources





Customized 4-week meal plan
Easy-to-follow recipes
Grocery list
Meal Plan Success Guide
7 days of email support for quick questions

> BUY NOW! <




Customized 4-week meal plan
Easy-to-follow recipes
Grocery list
Meal Plan Success Guide
7 days of email support for quick questions
45-minute 1:1 Follow-Up Session

> BUY NOW! <

Take the guesswork out of healthy eating and start enjoying meals that are perfectly tailored to you.

With a custom meal plan designed by a Registered Dietitian, you’ll achieve your health goals while enjoying delicious, nutritious meals that fit your lifestyle and preferences.

Don’t forget, you can add a follow-up session at checkout for a massive discount for personalized guidance and support!

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how my custom meal plans can simplify your life and help you achieve your health goals. Watch this video to see exactly how your personalized plan is created to fit your tastes, lifestyle, and nutritional needs.


Curious to See What Your Custom Meal Plan Will Look Like?





You have questions, I've got answers!

What makes your meal plans different from others available online?

My meal plans aren’t just based on broad or generic categories like “pescatarian” or “gluten-free”, I want to know your favorite foods, the ones you genuinely enjoy and want to see incorporated into your meal plan, as well as foods you’re open to trying. This ensures that every single thing I suggest is something that is truly tailored to you. Not only are the meals curated to your taste, but they’re also designed strategically based on your goals. You’ll have a chance to tell me about your current nutrition and health-related priorities, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, hormone balance, or anything else, and I will create a plan that aligns perfectly with those goals.

Another reason why my meal plans are different… I LOVE food, and as someone who has personally struggled with food in the past, I get it. I understand the emotional and psychological aspects of eating and dieting. I meet with REAL people every day and listen to their stories, challenges, and victories. This hands-on experience allows me to put together meal plans that are not only nutritionally sound but also empathetic and practical.

Did you know that only Registered Dietitians and licensed physicians are legally allowed to prescribe meal plans? That doesn’t stop people without credentials from offering generic plans that might not meet your needs. With my background as a Registered Dietitian, you’re not just getting a meal plan but you’re also ensuring that your plan is created by a qualified professional who understands the complexities of nutrition and health.

I stay up-to-date with the latest nutritional science and tailor every plan using evidence-based practices. You can trust that every recommendation I make is backed by solid research and tailored specifically to you.

How do I know if the meal plan will fit my dietary restrictions or allergies?

You will have a dedicated section in the meal planning assessment form to share any and all dietary restrictions, allergies, likes, and dislikes. This is where you can detail specific foods to avoid and any particular dietary needs you have. Additionally, there’s a place to check off all the foods you love, so I can prioritize incorporating those into your meal plan.

I understand the challenges that come with managing dietary restrictions and allergies. Part of the reason why a custom meal plan is so beneficial is because I handle the planning for you. You don't have to figure out how to hit your fiber goals on a gluten-free diet or ensure you're getting enough nutrients while avoiding certain allergens—let me do it for you. I ensure that your meal plan is not only safe but also balanced and delicious.

Do all of your meal plans have macronutrients and calories? What if I don’t want to know how many calories I’m eating?

If knowing the exact calorie and macronutrient count is triggering for you, meal plans can absolutely be created without those numbers. On the meal planning assessment form, you’ll have a place to indicate your preference regarding calorie and macronutrient information.

I understand that everyone has a unique relationship with food, and for some, focusing on numbers can be counterproductive or stressful. My goal is to create a meal plan that supports your health and wellness in a way that feels comfortable and sustainable for you. Whether you prefer detailed nutritional information or a more intuitive approach, I can tailor your meal plan accordingly to ensure it meets your needs and preferences.

Can I choose recipes or suggest preferences for my meal plan?

Absolutely! If you have a favorite recipe or meal that you love on repeat, I can definitely find a way to incorporate it into your meal plan. 

If you’re currently eating something that you want my feedback on, you’ll be able to share that with me in your meal planning assessment form. I can take a look and if needed, adjust your current portions or pairings to better align with your nutritional goals. 

I understand this is a 4 week plan but how many meal and snack ideas will you give me each week? Will I be eating something different every day? What if I want to follow this for more than 4 weeks?

You will indicate on your questionnaire how many meals and snacks you’d like to prepare throughout the week, and I will tailor your menu rotation to this response. Whether you prefer a lot of variety or enjoy the simplicity of repetition, I’ll take your preferences into account.

If you like having different options every day, I can provide a wide range of meal and snack ideas to keep things exciting and prevent boredom. On the other hand, if you find comfort in consistency, I can create a plan with more repetition, making meal prep easier and more predictable.

The 4 week meal plan could be something you use for a lot longer than 4 weeks depending on how much variety you want and how often you like to switch up your meals. The goal for this meal plan is to be something that provides some structure and new ideas for what you're doing while also being something that you can revisit over time!

What if I need more meal ideas or recipes?

Along with your meal plan, you’ll also receive a curated bundle of recipes that you can rotate in to give you more variety as needed. These additional recipes ensure that you always have fresh ideas to keep your meals exciting and satisfying.

What should I do if I want to incorporate alcohol into the plan?

Alcohol can definitely be part of a healthy diet. However, it’s important to remember that alcohol is a toxin, and overdoing it can lead to health problems and interfere with weight loss.

If you do choose to drink, try to limit your intake to fewer than 2 drinks per occasion to give yourself the best chance at success (nothing good happens after a few drinks). 

I will provide my “Happy Hour Survival Guide” to give you suggestions on what to drink and how to enjoy alcohol in moderation while sticking to your health goals.

For some of you, there may be times where you're consuming more than 2 drinks and I get it—I'm human too! If this happens, just pick up and keep going the next day. There’s no need to compensate or cut out food. The key is to get back on track and continue following your plan without guilt.

What about eating out? Will you give me guidance for that?

Eating out is a part of life, and I want to ensure you can enjoy it while still sticking to your health goals. I will provide you with guidance on how to make better choices when dining out, so you can feel better about making choices that fit within your goals. 

In addition to your custom meal plan, you’ll receive tips and strategies for dining out, such as:
  • How to choose healthier options: Learn what to look for on the menu to make nutritious choices.
  • Portion control tips: Understand how to manage portion sizes and avoid overeating.
  • My “Healthy Plate” Method: Learn how to build your plate so that you can stay on track in any situation
  • Mindful eating tips: Techniques to enjoy your meal and eat mindfully, even in a restaurant setting.

These tools will help you navigate any dining out situation while staying aligned with your health and nutrition goals.

What if I have a family that I have to cook for?

If you have family members who you also cook for, you can let me know so I can include specific recipes that work well for families. I can tailor your meal plan to include family-friendly meals that everyone will enjoy. Whether you need recipes that are kid-friendly, meals that can be easily scaled up for larger portions, or dishes that cater to diverse preferences, I’ve got you covered.  

What happens if I don’t like a meal or ingredient in the plan?

Because of how personalized your meal plan is, I’m hopeful that there shouldn’t be anything that you don’t like. That being said, you will also receive a “protein, fat, and carb swap list” that will help you figure out how to rotate in different ingredients if you want to modify a recipe. This list makes it easy to switch out ingredients while keeping your meals balanced and nutritious.

Additionally, I will provide a curated bundle extra recipes that you can rotate in for more variety or swap out for a different meal.

How are grocery lists customized to fit my budget and shopping preferences?

You will receive a grocery list to go along with your meal plan that lists out exactly how much you need of each ingredient. I make sure that all recommended products are available in your area and within your price range, making your shopping experience as convenient as possible.

During the meal planning assessment, you can let me know where you typically shop, whether it’s a specific grocery store like Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or a local market. I’ll tailor your grocery list to include items that are readily available at your preferred store.

Additionally, you can indicate whether you want me to be more mindful of budget when planning your meals. For example, I can focus on ingredients that can be used in multiple ways to maximize your grocery budget or opt for more economical choices. Alternatively, if you prefer to spend a little more for convenience, such as pre-made proteins or pre-cut veggies, I can incorporate those preferences into your plan as well. Not only that, by having a streamlined shopping list, you’ll only buy what you need, saving you both time and money.

Is there a commitment or can I cancel anytime?

There is no long-term commitment required. Your meal plan is a one-time purchase but if at any point you’d like me to create a new plan for you, whether you want new meal ideas or your goals have changed, you’re welcome to purchase another custom plan.

What if I have a busy lifestyle? Are there quick and easy meal options?

Absolutely! I understand that many of my clients lead busy lives and need meal options that are quick and easy to prepare. During the meal planning assessment, you can let me know about your time constraints and preferences for meal preparation.

I can include a variety of quick and easy meal options in your plan, such as:
  • Meals that take 30 minutes or less to prepare: Perfect for busy weeknights.
  • Batch cooking recipes: Make larger portions that can be divided into multiple meals for the week.
  • Sheet pan meals: Minimal prep and cleanup for maximum convenience.
  • Slow cooker or Instant Pot recipes: Set it and forget it meals that cook while you take care of other tasks.
  • Simple snacks and breakfasts: Easy-to-grab options that require minimal prep and fit seamlessly into your hectic schedule.

Whether you need grab-and-go breakfasts, easy-to-pack lunches, or dinners that require minimal effort, I will tailor your meal plan to fit your lifestyle. 

Can the meal plans help with specific health goals like losing weight or building muscle? What types of other customizations are possible?

Each meal plan is customized to support your specific health goals, whether that's losing weight, building muscle, managing a health condition, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I tailor each plan to ensure it aligns with your personal objectives and dietary needs.

Here are some examples of the conditions and goals I can make customizations for: Weight loss, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Gout, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Autoimmune disease, Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, General gut health, IBS, IBD, Low FODMAP, GERD, Gluten Free, Endurance Athletes, Muscle Gain, PCOS, Prenatal, Postnatal, Pregnancy, Perimenopause, Menopause

Don’t see something listed? Send me an email to and let me know what you’re looking for and I can let you know if it’s something I can help you with! 

Are you going to give me any guidance as to how to start the plan?

I will record a personalized video for you to explain how to use your meal plan and offer additional insights to help you get started. 

You will also have 7 days from receiving your meal plan to email me any questions you have about your plan. I want to ensure that you feel completely confident and ready to implement your new meal plan into your daily routine.

Additionally, you will have the option of adding on a 1:1 follow up session for even more personalized guidance and support.

How do the follow-up sessions work?

When you check out, you’ll have the option to purchase just the custom meal plan or the custom meal plan along with a 45-minute 1:1 session with me. These follow-up sessions are conducted via phone or video call, providing an opportunity to review your progress, make necessary adjustments to your meal plan, and discuss any challenges you might be facing. During the session, we’ll go over how the meal plan is working for you, address any questions or concerns, and tweak the plan to ensure it continues to meet your needs and goals. Whether you need modifications, new recipes, or advice on sticking to the plan, this time is dedicated to you.

You will have 30 days from the day you receive your custom meal plan to use this session.

How do I get started, and what is required from me to begin?

Getting started is simple! Here’s how it works:

  1. Purchase a meal plan package of your choice by clicking here
  2. Fill out the detailed meal planning assessment form: After your purchase, you’ll receive a comprehensive form to fill out. This form will help me learn all about your dietary preferences (down to what vegetables you do and don’t like), health goals, lifestyle, and any specific needs you have. This is your chance to tell me everything about what you love, what you don't, and what you're hoping to achieve.
  3. Custom plan creation: Once you complete your meal planning assessment form, I get to work on creating your custom plan that aligns with your nutritional needs, taste preferences, and daily routine. Each plan includes easy-to-follow recipes, a grocery list, and preparation tips to make cooking as straightforward as possible. Your custom plan will be delivered within 3 business days of receiving your Meal Planning Assessment Form.
  4. Receive your custom plan and additional resources: Along with your custom meal plan, you’ll also receive my “Meal Plan Success Guide” that will help you get the most out of your meal plan. This guide includes tips for eating out, how to handle special occasions, and even mindset tips to help you stay on track.
  5. Optional 1:1 follow-up session: If you want even more support, you’ll have the option to bundle your meal plan with a 1:1 follow-up session that you can use within 1 month to go over any adjustments you might need or to discuss any challenges you're facing. This session ensures your meal plan perfectly fits your evolving lifestyle and preferences.

Have a question or need more information?


Stop over-complicating your nutrition and LET ME TAKE CARE OF IT!

Ready to get your meal plan game on point?


Get your custom meal plan today!




Customized 4-week meal plan
Easy-to-follow recipes
Grocery list
Meal Plan Success Guide
7 days of email support for quick questions

> BUY NOW! <




Customized 4-week meal plan
Easy-to-follow recipes
Grocery list
Meal Plan Success Guide
7 days of email support for quick questions
45-minute 1:1 Follow-Up Session

> BUY NOW! <

Take the guesswork out of healthy eating and start enjoying meals that are perfectly tailored to you.

With a custom meal plan designed by a Registered Dietitian, you’ll achieve your health goals while enjoying delicious, nutritious meals that fit your lifestyle and preferences.

Don’t forget, you can add a follow-up session at checkout for a massive discount for personalized guidance and support!

Learn How To Design A Custom Nutrition Plan that Adapts to Every Season

Fall Into Good Habits: Free Masterclass

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