

Ready to implement the sustainable eating habits of your dreams?

To recap, here’s what you get:

  1. Personalized calorie and macronutrient goals ($300 value)

  2. 4-day custom meal plan ($300 value)

  3. Bi-weekly live calls with a registered nutritionist dietitian ($600 value)

  4. Six 1:1 check-ins with your RD ($600 value)

  5. 12 weeks of video modules ($1200 value)

  6. 12 weeks of macro-friendly recipes ($300 value)

  7. 12 weeks of workouts ($3000 value)

  8. Tons of guides, resources, cheat sheets, shopping lists, templates, and trackers ($600 value)

The total value of this program is over $4,200

Plus all the extra years you’ll shave off trying yet another fad diet…

Plus the freedom you’ll have when you embrace sustainable eating habits that let you enjoy food…

Not to mention all the moolah you’ll probably save by not buying any more of those supplements and shakes.

But you’ll get it for just $1,275. Because I love ya.

Seriously though, the reason I created this group coaching program is because people were constantly asking me if I could PLEASE offer a group weight loss program at a more affordable price point. I want to help get as many women as possible out of the cycle.

And wait! It gets better! There’s a money-back guarantee!

To make this even more of a no-brainer, we’re offering a 30-day money back guarantee. If you do not find this program helpful within 30 days of when we start, you can email me at alix@alixturoffnutrition.com to request a refund. We will ask you to show us your completed food journals, assess your course progress and review your check-ins before granting a refund. That said, if you’re not happy, we’re not happy and we’ll do everything we can to make it right! That’s how sure I am that this program is different than any other out there