


+ What’s the cost?

The cost of The Flexible Dieting Academy is a one-time payment of $1275 or 3 payments of $500.

+ Where does the program take place?

Online! You will have access to a portal with tons of resources. Communication will be through the portal and a private Facebook group (you can join even if you don’t have Facebook).

+ How do I know how many calories to eat?

I will provide you with personalized calorie and macronutrient goals to get started and I will also walk you through the process step-by-step so you can figure out your own calories & macronutrients in the future.

+ When does the program start?

A new round of this program starts every month. Make sure you’re on the waitlist if you want to know when the next round begins.

+ How much weight can you expect to lose?

This totally depends on how much weight you have to lose (of course, if you’re looking to lose 50+ lbs, the weight is going to come off faster!) That said, once you get situated and are on track, you can expect to lose 1-2 lbs per week. This program is designed to be sustainable so we keep the calories as high as possible while losing weight.

+ What if I can’t make the live sessions?

All sessions will be recorded and sent out so you can watch them on your own time!

+ What are the exercise recommendations for the program?

I teach you how to adjust the program based on your exercise. I focus more on nutrition and less on exercise so it’s meant to support your current exercise routine. I will give you sample workouts and suggestions of how to focus your exercise to support your goals. This program will still work without exercise, though I encourage everyone to exercise for both the mental and physical benefits.

+ What if the program doesn’t work for me?

The program works if you put in the work. I will do everything I can to help you along the way.

If you follow along with the materials and really trust the process, you will be more successful than you ever were before. That said, because I can’t guarantee that you’ll put in the work, I can’t guarantee you’ll get results. BUT, if you DO the work, you’ll be successful. You have my promise that I’ll do everything I can to figure out how to to help you.

+ Do you have a refund policy?

Because you receive access to the program upon registration, we do not offer any refunds. If for some reason you are not able to complete the course, please contact us and we can try to accommodate you in a later group. However, we do not offer any type of refund.

+ Can I do this if I’m Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan or have food allergies?

All meals can be made vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten free or dairy free

+ Can I dine out and drink alcohol on this plan?

Absolutely. I cover this in detail in the program. This program is about navigating nutrition in REAL life. You will be given the tools you need to navigate any situation.

+ What foods will I have to cut out?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I’m going to teach you how ALL foods can fit in to your diet, even if your goal is weight loss. I use a “flexible dieting” approach and the program is geared towards teaching you how to know how many calories you need to get to your goals and from there, how to break those calories down into macronutrients in a way that will support your goals! Restrictive diets don’t work. It’s time to learn how to eat like a normal person.

+ What happens after the program ends?

After the 12 weeks, you will have the option to continue working with Alix one-on-one.